Process Chart
You must complete the registration process below to become registered with the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba (CPM). You must complete some steps through the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR).

Complete STEP 1-4
Become registered with CPM as an Exam Candidate
Allows you to work under Supervision
Complete STEP 5-6
Become registered with CPM for Active Practice
Allows you to work unsupervised
The registration process is conducted in English and French only.
- All application forms must be completed in English or French
- All tests must be completed in English or French
- All required documents must be written in English or French or must be translated into English or French and notarized. This means that your required documents must be translated and then signed and stamped by a qualified person such as a notary public who verifies that the translation has been completed by a qualified individual
Notarized Translations
The Immigrant Centre provides referrals to cost-effective translation services. The Immigrant Centre also provides free notary public services for permanent Manitoba residents.
Immigrant Centre
100 Adelaide Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Phone: 204.943.9158
Language Proficiency Tests
You must be proficient in English or French to become registered by CPM.
If you completed your physiotherapy education (both classroom and clinical components) in Australia, United States of America, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom or France you do NOT need to complete a language proficiency test.
All other applicants must complete one of the language proficiency tests below. You must reach the minimum scores. Your test results are required for STEP 1: Credentialing.
1. Internet-based Test (IBT): TOEFL
Minimum total score of 92
- No sub test score lower than 21
2. CanTEST (English proficiency test) (discontinued)
Minimum average of 4 with no component lower than 4
Minimum oral interview rating of 4.5
3. TEF: Test d’évaluation de français (French proficiency test) (discontinued)
Minimum average of 4 with no component lower than 4
Minimum oral interview rating of 4.5
The language assessment must have been completed within two years of applying for credentialing with the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators. The scores from various sittings of a language assessment cannot be combined. An applicant must pass the language assessment in one sitting of the language assessment examination.
For more information please visit the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators website page on Language Proficiency.
Physiotherapist Competency Exam (PCE)
You must complete the Written Component of the PCE with the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR) to become registered with CPM.
- Written Component (also known as the Qualifying Exam)
You must complete the written component within 2 years of completing the Credentialing process.
Written Component
This multiple-choice exam tests your knowledge of physiotherapy and your ability to solve clinical problems using clinical scenarios.
Once you pass the written component of the exam you may apply to CPM to become registered as an Exam Candidate. Your registration will allow you to work under supervision.
Learn More
The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR) administers the Physiotherapist Competency Exam (PCE). Visit the CAPR website at for details on the Written Component of the PCE.
- Candidate Handbook (provides exam fees, registration deadlines, locations and dates, and a description of the exam)
- Orientation Resource (provides sample questions and advice on preparing for the exam)
You must complete the credentialling process with the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR). The process involves these tasks:
Task 1: You submit a complete application:
- Application form
- Required documents (including your Language Proficiency test results)
- Application fee
Task 2: CAPR assesses your application to determine:
- If you hold authentic academic credentials
- If your education is not substantially different from Canadian education
- If your qualifications make you eligible to register for Part 1 of the Physiotherapist Competency Exam (PCE)
To apply for credentialing, follow the steps outlined on the CAPR website:
Possible Outcomes
CAPR will notify you by mail of one of these possible Credentialling outcomes:
You are eligible to apply for PCE Part 1
You have minor gaps in your academic credentials. You are eligible for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR). PLAR is a process that measures the skills and knowledge you have acquired through your professional experience. In addition to PLAR, you may have to complete a bridging program or courses in order to become eligible to register for PCE Part 1. CAPR will provide you with details
You have major gaps in your academic credentials and qualifications. You are NOT eligible to register for PCE Part 1. CAPR will provide you with information on alternate career options and education in physiotherapy available in Canada
Learn More
Read the Credentialling Application Process Guide and the Credentialling Policies on the CAPR website.
6+ months
to complete
You must have your credentials assessed to determine if you are eligible to write Exam Part 1
You must complete Written Component of the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE) (CAPR).
Written Component
Once you successfully complete the Credentialling process, you may register for the Written Component of the Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE). This multiple-choice exam tests your knowledge of physiotherapy and your ability to solve clinical problems using clinical scenarios.
CAPR administers the Written Component. You can write the exam in major cities in Canada, including Winnipeg. Opportunities to complete the exam are provided six times a year. You will choose an exam date on the Registration Application form.
Registration Application Form
Visit the CAPR website at for:
- Registration Application form
- Candidate Handbook (provides exam fees, registration deadlines, locations and dates, and a description of the exam)
- Orientation Resource (provides sample questions and advice on preparing for the exam)
CAPR has registration deadlines for the written component. Check the CAPR website to ensure you apply on time.
CAPR will mail you information about the location and date of your exam upon receipt of your application. You will receive your exam results by mail within 6 weeks.
If you pass the Written Component, you will be eligible to register as an Exam Candidate.
If you do NOT pass the Written Component, you may rewrite the exam up to two more times. After three failed attempts, a candidate has exhausted their exam eligibility.
Once you pass the Written Component of the PCE you are eligible to register as an Exam Candidate (STEP 4) with CPM. Ideally, you will complete the following tasks before you proceed to STEP 4:
Contact an employer and tell them you want to register with CPM and that you need to work under supervision. This means that a supervisor must:
- Assign clients to you that you are competent to treat
- Oversee your work to ensure that you are practicing correctly
- Provide you with feedback and written performance evaluations of you work
You can ask the employer if he or she is willing to review your resume or interview you for employment. When you are employed, your supervisor must be registered for Active Practice with CPM. You must complete STEP 4 (register as an Exam Candidate) before you begin your job.
Ask your employer to write a Letter of Offer, which includes:
- Your place of employment
- A statement that you will begin employment once you become registered as an Exam Candidate
- The date you will begin employment
- If applicable, confirmation that your employer will provide you with a minimum of $5 million in Professional Liability Insurance coverage (also known as Errors and Omissions Insurance)
You must submit the Letter of Offer to CPM when you complete STEP 4.
You and your supervisor must complete and sign a Supervised Practice Agreement and a Supervised Practice Plan. These documents can be found on the Supervised Practice page.
You must submit both Supervised Practice documents to CPM when you complete STEP 4.
You may proceed to STEP 4 and apply for registration before you secure employment. However, once you apply for registration, you will have only 3 months to begin employment and produce the related documents.
- Secure employment and obtain a Letter of Offer with start date
- Obtain a Supervisor and Complete a Supervised Practice Agreement
- Obtain Professional Liability Insurance
Once you secure employment and a Supervisor, you may register as an Exam Candidate and work under Supervision
You must complete these 3 tasks to become registered as an Exam Candidate with CPM:
Gather your required documents:
a) Proof of completion of the Written Component (Physiotherapy Competency Exam)
Submit a Verification Request Form to the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR). This document will verify completion of the Written Component.
b) Criminal Record Check
Submit a Criminal Record Check, with Vulnerable Sector Check to The Criminal Record Check must not be older than 6 months from date of issue.
Contact your local Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or the Winnipeg Police Service to obtain a certified Criminal Record Check.
c) Application Form
Complete the Exam Candidate Registration Form (PDF) to apply for registration as an Exam Candidate. If you have not secured employment you may leave those fields blank.
d) Letter of Offer
Submit the Letter of Offer provided to you by your employer in Step 3.
e) Supervised Practice Agreement
Submit the Supervised Practice Agreement signed by you and your supervisor in Step 3.
f) Supervised Practice Plan
Submit the Supervised Practice Plan signed by you and your supervisor in Step 3.
Pay your Exam Candidate registration fee of $665.12 or $332.56 pro-rated* (2025), plus the Initial Registration Fee of $200.
*Your registration fee is pro-rated if you register after August 1.
You are also required to pay the non-refundable Practice Based Competency Assessment fee at the time of registration. Please review the PBCA section of the website for more details.
You may pay by:
- Cash (in person, by appointment)
- Credit card (by phone or in person, by appointment)
- E-Transfer (please contact CPM for instructions)
- Email documents to OR
- Fax documents to 204-474-2506 OR
- Mail or hand-deliver (office open by appointment only) all required documents and application fee to:
College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba (CPM)
1465A Pembina Highway
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2C5
Phone: (204) 287-8502
g) Confirmation of Professional Liability Insurance Coverage
You require a minimum of $5 million in Professional Liability Insurance (also known as Errors and Omissions Insurance). You must provide confirmation of your insurance coverage, such as a certificate of insurance or confirmation stated in your Letter of Offer.
h) Copy of your Diploma, Baccalaureate, Master’s, or Doctorate degree in physiotherapy
i) Membership In Good Standing Form/Regulatory History
Submit a Membership in Good Standing Form/Regulatory History Form from the last two College(s) in which you were registered.
Submit these required documents to CPM:
a) Verification Request Form
b) Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Check
c) Exam Candidate Registration Form
Submit these required documents to CPM before you start work:
d) Letter of Offer
e) Supervised Practice Agreement and Plan
f) Professional Liability Insurance Coverage
Ways to Obtain Insurance Coverage
1. Become a member of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA)
2. Contact Physiosure Canada
3. Visit an insurance agency
a) If you have secured employment you will receive:
- A decision letter that confirms that you have been registered as an Exam Candidate
- Instructions for printing your Certificate of Registration and Receipt for Registration Fees
b) If you have NOT secured employment you will receive:
- A Letter of Eligibility that explains that you will become registered upon receipt of your outstanding required documents:
- Letter of Offer
- Supervised Practice Agreement
- Supervised Practice Plan
- Confirmation of Insurance
- Registration Fee
Provide potential employers with a copy of your Letter of Eligibility. The letter may help you secure employment.
CPM will take up to 1 week to process your application. CPM will send you the following by email
For information on the PBCA, please click here.
Gather your required documents
Pay the registration fee*
Please contact CPM for more information.
Once you the pass the Practice Based Competency Assessment, you may register for Active Practice and work unsupervised.