July 25, 2024
June 2024 Updates
We wanted to make you aware of updated information available through the College website.
- Insurance Lunch and Learn: Maggie Green from BMS presented a Lunch and Learn for the College on June 5, 2024. This presentation has been recorded and is available in the Professional Development and Committee Portal. This presentation can be found under the Lunch and Learn Videos. The College is grateful to Maggie for this excellent and informative presentation, and we suggest all registrants take time to watch.
- Practice Advice: We have added a new section to the website under the For Physiotherapists tab regarding the Practice Advice offered by the College. Please visit this new section which provides contact information if you have a question. In addition, you will find articles from recent newsletters answering some common questions received at the College. Please let us know if you have any questions about this new resource.
- Practice Hours: The Registration and Licensing Direction 3.10 Practice Hours and the associated Practice Hours Guideline have been updated. The most significant change involves the use of a new form to submit verified practice hours from an employer. Request for Verification of Practice Hours form can be found on the website under the associated Practice Direction. Moving forward, registrants must use this form to submit verified practice hours when requested.
- New/Updated Practice Directions: Council has approved the following Practice Directions based on the new national core standards. Please review the following practice directions to familiarize yourself with this new content:
- 4.14 Advertising and Marketing (replaced the previous 4.14 Advertising)
- Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment
- 4.2 Concurrent Care (replaced existing 4.2 Concurrent Care by a Physiotherapist)
- Changes for Supervised Practice and the PBCA
Examination Candidates and Supervisors should note changes coming to Supervised Practice and the Practice Based Competency Assessment for anyone newly registering as an Examination Candidate on or after July 1, 2024. These changes include:
- New timeline for submission of Self-Reported Practice Hours and the Assessment of Clinical Performance online form (every 400 practice hours accrued)
- Examination Candidates must track their hours across all employers and communicate to their supervisor(s) when the ACP must be submitted (400 practice hours, 800 practice hours and 1200 practice hours)
- The addition of a new component of the Practice Based Competency Assessment – a jurisprudence examination – for any new individual entering onto the Examination Candidate register as of or after July 1, 2024. The change to the scoring with the addition of this new component is also outlined.
Information on these updates can be found on the website under the Supervised Practice and Practice Based Competency Assessment (PBCA) tabs of the College website and the resources housed in these tabs. The videos related to Supervision and the Practice Based Competency Assessment in the Professional Development and Committee Portal have been updated to reflect these changes. Finally, these changes are outlined in the associated Registration and Licensing Directions 3.20 Supervised Practice for Examination Candidates and 3.25 Practice Based Competency Assessment Program. A lunch and learn session will be held in the Fall for Supervisors to review these changes and outline expectations. A Question and Answer session will be held for new graduates in August 2024. Information on this session will be made available through the registration email which will be sent in early July.