Practice Directions / Policies

3.18 Change in Registration Status Policy retired

3.24 Renewal Administrative Policy retired; please refer to Practice Direction 3.16 Renewal Procedure

Practice Directions are one component of a continuum of documents including the legislation, codes of ethics, guidelines, essential competencies, and entry-to-practice milestones which direct the practice of professionals to provide quality care. In the physiotherapy profession, each regulatory organization in Canada has its own set of standards/practice directions and code of ethics. In 2016, a set of Model Standards of Practice were developed to reflect current and future practice trends and to be generally applicable to all physiotherapists in Canada. These have been updated in 2023, and the College has used these Model Standards of Practice as a foundation to update the relevant Practice Directions.

Purpose of Practice Directions

Practice Directions serve several purposes, including:

Providing a reference to the public related to expectations for quality care delivered by professionals.

Defining the minimum performance expectations that regulated members of the profession must meet. Standards inform physiotherapists of the expectations, obligations, and requirements of their professional role.

Fulfilling the requirements for self-regulation and providing a frame of reference for regulatory organizations against which actual performance can be compared for quality practice.

Retired Policies:

Whirlpool Cleaning and Safety

Retention and Transmission of Electronic Health Information

Complementary and Alternative Therapies

Routine Practice

Safe, Sanitary, and Appropriate Environment

Communication and Consultation with Physicians or Appropriate Designates

Home Based Physiotherapy Business

Conflict of Interest in Practice

Billing for Multiple Dysfunctions

Transportation of Patient Records

Fee Schedule and Billing Practices

Electrophysical Agents

5.1 Conflict of Interest in Practice Policy retired
5.2 Fee Schedules and Billing Practices Policy retired
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