For Employers

The College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba works in partnership with employers to protect and serve the public through physiotherapy regulation.

For more information on the recent trends in registered physiotherapists in Manitoba and collaborative work the College has been engaged in please see our Annual Reports Page.

Please review the information for Employers below. If you have any questions about the information provided, please contact the College at

Please Note:

If you are hiring a University of Manitoba graduate, the College requires a Confirmation of Eligibility to Graduate letter from the University of Manitoba OR a copy of the degree obtained submitted to meet the requirements of registration. The Confirmation of Eligibility to Graduate letter is not received until the end of August limiting the employment start date to the end of August or beginning of September at the earliest. A Manitoba graduate cannot start work until proof of education is received.

The Physiotherapists Act has references to the role and responsibilities of an employer of a registered physiotherapist in Manitoba. The relevant sections are included below:

Offence by employer

 58(4) If the employer of a member knowingly permits the member to fail to comply with a condition of the member’s certificate of registration, the employer is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $10,000.

Employer’s responsibility

Employer’s responsibility to ensure registration

 65(1) Every person who employs a person as a physiotherapist shall ensure that the physiotherapist is registered under this Act during the period of employment. Responsibility to report misconduct 65(2) If a person who employs a physiotherapist terminates the physiotherapist’s employment for misconduct, incompetence or incapacity, the employe r shall promptly report the termination to the council and give the physiotherapist a copy of the report.

The College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba provides an easy-to-use tool to help members of the public, stakeholders and employers identify whether a person providing services as a physiotherapist in Manitoba is registered with the College and whether there are any conditions or restrictions on their physiotherapy practice.

An employer can use this tool to ensure that new employees or current employees are registered with the College and if there are any conditions on the license or if the employee is on the Acupuncture roster.

Public Directory

The scope of practice for physiotherapists in Manitoba is defined in The Physiotherapist Act and states “The practice of physiotherapy is the assessment and treatment of the body by physical or mechanical means for the purpose of restoring, maintaining or promoting physical function, mobility or health, or to relieve pain.”

Please send the College any questions you may have regarding Scope of Practice to .

Use of Title and Credentials

Physiotherapists are required to follow the Practice Direction on Titles, Credentials and Specialty Designations to ensure they are representing themselves in a transparent, accurate, verifiable and meaningful way to the public. Registrants must use their protected title when engaging in clinical practice.

Further details on these requirements can be found in the Practice Direction linked above.

Physiotherapists are expected to participate in the Continuing Competency Program with the College. Information on the Continuing Competency Program can be found here.

If an employee is selected for a Practice Audit, an appointed Practice Auditor from the College may come onsite to complete a Chart Audit and interview. The physiotherapist will receive information that can be shared with the employer regarding the College’s right to access personal health information for this assessment purpose. If you have further questions about this process or the program, please contact the Continuing Competency Coordinator at .

Employers should be aware of the requirements related to hiring an Examination Candidate. An Examination Candidate in Manitoba has passed the written entry to practice examination and is able to work under supervision while preparing to take their clinical evaluation to move to a full Active license. Employers should be aware of the requirements of a Supervisor outlined in the Supervised Practice section of the website. An Examination Candidate CANNOT start employment until they have met the requirements for registration with the College.

An Examination Candidate must remain under supervision until they have successfully passed a clinical evaluation and transferred to the Active register. The current options for approved Clinical Evaluations can be found in the Supervised Practice section of the website under the title “When is Supervision Deemed Complete?”. Please note, at this time the clinical evaluation in Manitoba and the alternate available clinical evaluations listed are interim evaluation processes in the absence of a national examination.

Information on the clinical evaluation in Manitoba, the Practice Based Competency Assessment, can be found here. This information outlines the eligibility criteria and the general breakdown of the assessment process. An Examination Candidate will have to submit verified Practice Hours from their employer using the  Request for Verification of Practice Hours / Request for Verification of Practice Hours 2025 form after completing 1200 supervised practice hours in Manitoba.  Please note:  An Examination Candidate will not be eligible to practice physiotherapy in Manitoba if they fail three attempts at a clinical evaluation or exceed 2 years on the Exam Candidate register, whichever comes first.

An Examination Candidate has conditions on their license which will show when searching the individual in the Public Directory. These conditions are also outlined in Registration and Licensing Direction 3.3 Registration On The Examination Candidate Register. It is important to be aware of these conditions. 

The College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba (CPM) expects physiotherapists to practice safely, ethically, competently and follow the rules set by the CPM. If you are concerned about a physiotherapist under your employment, you have the right to file a formal complaint.

You can find information on the Complaints process and information on how to submit a Complaint here.

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