Government-mandated Committees
The following committees are mandated by the government to ensure the quality of physiotherapy for all Manitobans.
Board of Assessors
- Considers applications for registration to determine if applicants are eligible to be physiotherapists
- Determines the eligibility of international students applying for clinical placements in Manitoba
- Develops guidelines on practice hours
- Reviews physiotherapy education programs and makes recommendations to Council
Complaints Committee
- Reviews written complaints received by the College of Physiotherapists (CPM) against registered physiotherapists. This may include complaints about boundary violations, physical harm, breach of confidentiality and unethical behaviour
- Meets as often as required to determine whether to investigate the complaint or take other action such as forwarding the complaint to the Inquiry Committee
Inquiry Committee
- Holds a formal hearing into complaints referred by the Complaints Committee
- Following a formal hearing, finds the member guilty or not guilty, with or without consequences
Non-Statutory Committees
These committees are not mandated by the government. They are established by Council to help the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba (CPM) perform its activities.
Special Projects Committee
- Council and/or the Registrar may refer issues to the Special Projects Committee for research and advice on the development of policy, statements, standards, or activities of the College.
- Issues will be time-limited and finite in nature.
Ethics Committee
- Reviews and updates policies related to ethics such as Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest
- Educates members and the public about ethical behaviour
Legislative Committee
- Investigates, informs and makes recommendations to Council on matters pertaining to the legislation of physiotherapy practice
- Drafts and reviews acts, regulations and by-laws such as The Physiotherapists Act, and CPM regulations and by-laws be incorporated into the new The Regulated Professions Act
Governance and Nominations Committee
- Recruits and selects physiotherapy members and public members to serve on the Council or various committees
- Reviews and updates Governance policies of CPM
Continuing Competence Committee
- Plans and develops a Continuing Competence Program for all practising physiotherapists in Manitoba
- Implements the Continuing Competence Program
- Evaluates and improves the Continuing Competence Program

We are looking for physiotherapists to apply their knowledge and skills to one of our many committees. We can help you find the committee that’s right for you.
Serving on a committee is an excellent means to:
- Pursue your professional growth and development
- Expand your professional and social networks
- Gain experience that you can apply to both your professional and personal life
- Build personal empowerment and self-esteem
- Help the College of Physiotherapists of Manitoba (CPM) maintain its status as a self-regulated profession
- Support your profession by ensuring quality practice and public safety
Please complete this application form, and forward it, along with your resume and letter of introduction to:
Fax: (204) 474-2506